Orcs & Giant Ogres Vs 1,500,000 Werewolves, Wraiths & Zombies!

2 years ago

Werewolves, Evil Spirits & Zombies Invades Orcs & Giant Ogres | UEBS 2

Welcome to Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator 2, the most ridiculous and insane battle simulator in existence! Create eye watering battles with hundreds of thousands, and even millions of characters on screen! Jump into multiple story and player driven campaigns or make your own and share them with your friends! Sandbox mode will return, with infinite army sizes and far greater flexibility than ever. FPS invasion will also be returning, where you play through the eyes of a soldier fighting off hordes of zombies in first person.

#UEBS2 #UltimateEpicBattleSimulator2 #captaincigar

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