April 29, 2015 ❤️ Jesus says... I bless you with My perceptible Presence

2 years ago

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Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... http://www.heartdwellers.org

Jesus says...
My Brides, I bless you with My perceptible Presence

April 29th, 2015 – Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Jesus began... "Clare, not for one moment have I left you. You have done nothing to deserve that, the enemy is lying to you. Besides, didn’t I tell you, it’s not based on your performance but on My faithfulness to keep My word? Hmm?"

(Clare) You’re here - You’re talking with me?

(Jesus) "I am."

(Clare) Oh thank you Lord.

(Jesus) "My very small and fragile child, don’t you know you have no righteousness of your own, but all has been given to you? And if you contain it, you will grow in holiness?"

"Well, it’s true. You see I visit each of My Brides with graces and most receive them, but very few continue to contain them or multiply them. I visit with grace and I visit with adversity – it is usually during adversity that graces are lost."

(Clare) But what about those times of victory when the devils sift us and try to take away what we’ve just won?

(Jesus) "That, too, is an opportunity. It can go either way, one way to lose is after victory, the other is during adversity. When My Bride does not receive the challenges and tests I give her she loses grace. When she becomes self-assured after a victory, she can lose grace."

"It is a matter of clinging to Me or wandering off on your own, in your own will. This is why I am so very strict with you to stay in My will at all times. I want you to contain the treasure I give you so you may lavish them on souls. But if the living waters leak out before you get to them, well… then your pitcher is empty. You know what that feels like when that pitcher is empty, don’t you."

(Clare) Oh, it is so very sad to see others suffering for lack of understanding and wanting to help them – but not having the understanding they need. Even lately Lord, people come to me with questions for You and I don’t feel competent to ask or answer them.

(Jesus) "You have asked Me for this competency, and it is on the way. But your role in the Body is more important than answering questions. I don’t ever want you bogged down in that. I want you to teach them how to get their own answers Clare. This is far more important and vital to Me."

"Oh Dear ones, do not burden her with your questions! Seek Me and I will answer your questions. All of you who have been following Me closely through this vessel, are so close to breakthroughs in hearing and seeing Me. Persevere, don’t grow weary and don’t give in to unbelief or discouragement. Those are your worst enemies. May I say laziness is part of the problem? You must press in, those who seek Me with their whole hearts, they shall find Me. Seek Me and live the life that I promised you – the abundant life of communion with Me, righteousness, peace and joy, the fruits of fellowship with Me. Confidence, courage, growth in charity, humility – these are the sweet flavors of the grapes that abide in the vine."

"Bitterness, rancor, flatness – those are the grapes that are produced without the nourishment of the true vine. As I live in you and you live in Me, the grapes we produce together are bursting with nourishment and flavor. It is a cooperative venture, My hands work through your hands, My feet walk through your feet, My heart beats through your heart and all that is Godly and seems impossible to you comes into fruition. All that has previously been out of your reach is now a natural fact, flowing out to other souls hungry and thirsty for Me."


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