"Motherland’s Call Answered"

2 years ago

"Motherland’s Call Answered

Partial mobilisation has been completed in Russia. Sergei Shoigu has reported to the president that the order to conscript 300,000 fighters has been carried out in full. Eighty-two thousand of the mobilized men are in the conflict zone already, and another 218,000 are being trained at training ranges. They will take part in the special operation only after proper training and equipment are provided to them.

I would like to make two points here. First, despite the rumours circulating in the foreign media, the mobilization has been successful and the Russian Armed Forces are receiving the reinforcement they need as they prepare to mobilize. Yes, this process was fraught with certain problems, but the prompt intervention of the authorities made it possible to quickly resolve them and "adjust" the mobilization mechanisms that have not been used in the country for decades.

Secondly, a window of opportunity has opened for the overwhelming majority of those who left—those who fled on emotion and did not have time to burn bridges behind them may well come back. As for those who have already managed to integrate into the Russophobe discourse abroad, they have already shown their true face and are unlikely to be able to integrate back. Which, in general, is good for everyone: Russia will do without latent Russophobes, and they themselves will finally be able to distance themselves from the country they dislike. "You have to simulate a shipwreck sometimes so the rats will scatter", as Churchill's Matvienko quoted well today.

— Meister"

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