20221028 - Liberty Minute

2 years ago

I bit off more than I could chew. So, I'm going to try a smaller bite.
The Liberty Minute will now be a weekly production instead of a daily grind.
I'm Peter Serefine with this week's Liberty Minute, brought to you by Cedar Mill Fine Firearms. Use code LIGHTHOUSE at cedarmillfirearms.com for firearm cases with style.
So let's get to it.
A serious problem with our nation's checks and balances system has become apparent lately. Our administrative and bureaucratic system has become too big and too slow to protect our rights.
A judge recently struck down New York City's covid vaccine mandates for public workers. Okay. That's great. The judicial system acted as a check against the executive.
Not so fast, though, or maybe I should say not fast enough. Over 2,000 people were fired because of a policy now deemed unconstitutional.
According to the Declaration of Independence, the government's primary job is to secure our rights. If it takes ten months to overturn an unjust law, then 2,000 people can be destroyed by one branch of government before another branch calls it out.
Hard-working, tax-paying citizens, deserve a much faster response to tyranny than that. We, the people, deserve a smaller, more responsive government.
Find more news and commentary at liberty-lighthouse.com
Until next time, si vis Pacem, Para Bellum

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