Fair Share or Windfall Tax

2 years ago

Those are simply terms for stealing more of another’s money. Not to worry, they’ll never be defined. There are two reasons someone might say this: to fool the masses or they’re repeating what was said. It’s a good indication they might not have a clue what they’re talking about—maybe both. The idea that stealing from someone will lead to growth is flat out absurd. Ideas like this can only gain traction from economic ignorance.

The truth behind these terms are disguised. They’re looking to steal more, and disperse it to likely voters. The shills who say this are betting those who repeat it don’t understand it. This allows them to redirect their envy. They think they have justified stealing, and can now do it with a clean conscience. Since their conscience is clean from these evil acts, they will torment you endlessly. They won’t stop on their own accord.

Read More: https://mrdevinney.com/fair-share-or-windfall/

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