BLOODBORNE | The 3rd Hunt, Pt.4.1: Forbidden Woods! Trouble with the Trees! (PS5 Gameplay)

2 years ago

So here’s the thing. The Forbidden Woods are kind of a pain in the ass. It’s not ‘bad’ per se, it’s just kind of an ordeal. It is by far the largest zone in the game, and rivals Central Yharnam in convoluted maze like labyrinthine shenanigans. But whereas Central Yharnam, despite being ludicrously complex and multilayered, at least has very clear landmarks to help you attempt to navigate- the Forbidden Woods are basically a big scary dark forest with few landmarks and paths that loop around on themselves and all manner of nonsense. Also, it contains several very good items that you really need to pick up, all scattered throughout the entire massive forest of doom.

Furthermore, as we all know, I have the sense of direction- and attention span- of a retarded goldfish, so attempting to navigate through the forest of doom live while streaming and being constantly distracted by the talky chat and miscellaneous nonsense of my own imagining would inevitably just result in several hours of me running around aimlessly in this damn forest being lost and getting increasingly grouchy and it would just be a bad time for everyone- even more than usual. So, as I did with Hemwick Charnel Lane, I figured I’d just record it on my own and get through the dull part relatively quickly and save the fun stuff for stream.

Also, the audio on my mic is kinda weird when recording because its a different setup from streaming, but the good news is I was kinda really sleepy again the other night when I recorded this (and I was trying to listen for demon beasts sneaking up on me) so I wasn’t talking much anyway. I cut out a few notable bits, but for the most part its unedited, so there will be a bit of running around lost, but that’s why God invented fast forward. It’s science.

Also also, I had to split this into two parts because I don’t even remember but I had to for some reason. I would just post them both one after the other, but that might be kind of annoying, so maybe I’ll post the one tonight before I go to sleep and schedule the second for tomorrow or something. I don’t know. Whatever.

LAST TIME... our hero made his way to The Grand Cathedral of The Healing Church- which is totally just a harmless little social club type thing and definitely *not* some kind of freaky cult- for a nice little sit down and chit chat conference thing to inquire about their special ‘Blood Ministration’ thing and what’s all that about (asking for a friend). After opening the ominously giant, creaky boss room type doors and standing around awkwardly in the lobby for an uncomfortable amount of time, he decided to show himself in to the Cathedral proper, where he at last found one of the presumed ministers, a *delightful* young lady whom he found sitting in the middle of the conspicuously empty, open, large arena-like space mumbling some church gibberish about “feasting upon blood” and “the cosmos”- you know, the usual. Eager to introduce himself and learn more about their definitely *not* a freaky Eldritch cult social club, with a polite cough and an “Excuse me, Madam...” he approached the figure.

It was then that everything went horribly, horribly wrong.

See what had happened was, she transformed into a giant blindfolded reindeer demon beast and started rampaging around screeching and trying to murder him.


So, she got dealt with.

And then some stuff happened, and he had a weird acid trip flashback vision dream thing about some dudes talking and there was an old old old guy grumbling about eyes and some annoying little jerk whining then there was an iconic moment where they had some speech about “Fear the Old Blood” or some crap. It probably has nothing to do with any of this stuff that’s going on, but it was a pretty neat catchphrase.

Then, as if his steps were being guided by some higher being who had played Bloodborne before and knew where he needed to go to advance the main quest, he found himself on the outskirts of Yharnam, where he stopped to chat with his good bro, Alfred, who was kind enough to drop some foreshadowing and lore about some joint called “Byrgenwerth”, where apparently some ‘scholars’ used to experiment on some mysterious, magical blood- and, wouldn’t you know it, those were the dudes who went on to found that ‘Healing Church’ joint, so we should probably check that out.

Alas, Byrgenwerth lies deep beyond the Forbidden Woods, aptly named because the Healing Church had declared it forbidden ground, and only those who happened to know a secret catchphrase password thingy were allowed to exit the city gates leading to the Forbidden Woods.

If only we had just conveniently had some kinda acid trip vision dream thing where we learned a neat catchphrase known only to the Healing Church dudes. OH WAIT...

Thus, our hero continued toward the city gates, the Forbidden Woods, and ultimately- Byrgenwerth, where it all began...

#bloodborne #gaming #ps5share #letsplay

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