Deliverance from Ungodly Vows, Oaths & Promises Keeping You Bound

2 years ago

Originally posted to YouTube on 04-21-22
Shalom Mighty Pillars,
When someone is bound by their own words it will manifest in their life in many different ways. Most of the time it will be ungodly oaths and vows made when they experienced trauma, betrayal, abandonment, or in other words when they have been wounded by someone. Many times it may go all the way back to their childhood. Even though they may have been a child the power of words is still activated when spoken or even thought of in the heart (these are called inner vows and oaths).
Those ungodly words spoken as a child if never repented of will produce fruit later on in life for the child. Many times when the fruit begins to come forth the person cannot understand where it’s coming from because they don’t know it is rooted in their childhood. This can also happen with a bad experience in a relationship that was very abusive and/or traumatic. Words spoken in a moment of anger or unforgiveness will cause a yoke of the same kind to be placed on the person who spoke them. The measure that you use will be measured back to you… In this lesson, you will learn to recognized if you are bound by your own words, how to repent and renounce them, and be delivered and set free from your own words. Hallelujah!

Link for notes to lesson:

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