MR. NON-PC - How Pop Culture And The Lame-Stream Have Tried To Normalize Obesity

2 years ago

Has anyone noticed how pop culture and the lame-stream has been trying they're damndest to normalize obesity!?

If you're like me and can remember years back to the ol' Abercrombie ad's with those fine ass women with near perfect bodies back in the 90s, and compare it now to the "plus size" (morbidly obese) models you see now in 2022 it's beyond disturbing!!

From movies, to music to commercials the push to normalize obesity is quite apparent.

The best way to push back against this "lame trend" and really live your best life is to DO THE OPPOSITE and COMMIT TO BEING FIT!!!

Be part of the "Fit Club" and not the "Sit Club" and JUST SAY NO TO OBESITY!!!!!

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