Infanticide - Happiness - Intercession of the Saints

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Today on "Catholic Drive Time"

Catholic Drive Time - 877-757-9424

Date – FRIDAY October 28, 2022 – The Feast Day of St. Jude Thaddeus and St. Simon the Zealot, Apostles

INTRO – TODAY ON CDT, We have a very special guest today. Maura Quinlan joins us today to discuss the overturning of Roe v Wade. Maura has spent over 40 years using her legal skills to promote life. After graduating from the University of Notre Dame law school, she took a position with Americans United for Life in Chicago, where she spent several years as Chief Staff Counsel—drafting statutes and engaging in litigation involving abortion, infanticide and euthanasia in federal and state courts. In that capacity, she also frequently testified before legislative committees in support of prolife legislation.

Maura has filed numerous briefs on abortion in the US Supreme Court. Most recently she filed two briefs in the Dobbs case—one discussing the impropriety of the Court’s reliance on viability and the other dispelling many of the “medical” myths claimed by abortion proponents.

And – AT FIFTEEN PAST THE HOUR, can we find happiness in the struggle? We will look at how struggling together can change our outlook on things.

Also – Dave Palmer joins us to discuss ???

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