Learn Japanese while sleeping: 101 most useful daily sentences

2 years ago


0:00:00 Start
0:00:32 Daily routine.
0:09:41 Shopping.
0:29:42 At work.
0:44:52 At school.
0:49:32 Various.

Learn while sleeping, 101 most useful daily life sentence.
These sentences are dispatched on 5 topics:Daily routine, Shopping, At work, At school and Various.
If you want to learn how to speak like a native speaker then it’s good to know daily sentences.
We need to know the meaning, the form and the pronunciation.
This video features the most importantusefull daily use phrases The idea is to be in a relaxed and calm state.
Put on headphones if you need to.
The brain is supposedly more receptive in that relaxed state.
The plan: listen to this as often as possible until the words and phrases are so natural to you, that you don't even need to think to say them.
These phrases can be used in daily life.


#babel8 #learn #learnbylistening #learnbypractice #learnbydoing #sleeplearning #learnwhilesleeping

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