Overwhelm....What emotions Do they Cause and How to Manage Them

2 years ago

#Emotions, #Health, #stress, #overwhelm, #ShayoliHope

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Overwhelm…. What Emotions Do They Cause and How To Manage Them

So the emotions that we are concentrating on today that come from Overwhelm are Stress and anxiety.

You may, at times, feel stress and anxiety reach new levels. You may feel so overwhelmingly stressed that you may not be able to follow through with tasks that you need to get done.

Or you may feel a wave of anxiety rush over you as you have had to explain why you weren't able to do what you were asked to do. Perhaps your stress and anxiety feel constant and unrelenting.

It may be difficult to do seemingly simple tasks.
Because you are overwhelmed by your anxious thoughts and your stressful to do lists. Well to help you relieve some of your stress and anxiety, here are some daily habits that can reduce your stress.

!. Mindset , a study at Florida State University with 50 students found washing dishes was the daily activity that relieves stress. They found that those who mindfully wash dishes reported a decrease in nervousness by 27% and an increase of inspiration of 25%/
Grounding yourself in reality by focusing on your surroundings can help you relieve stress.

2. Cuddling, hugging and holding hands.
That awesome feeling you have when you hold hands, hug or kiss someone is likely due to the increased flow of endorphins humans get during these times. According to several studies, the pleasing chemical endorphins increase while the release of the stress chemical cortisol slows from hugs. So next time you get stressed or anxious, find a loved one or close friend and get a hug. Studies show that a 20 min hug although it may seem uncomfortable at first brings a very calming and uplifting emotion in the body. (Grandchildren)

3. Make good posture a habit.
We are all guilty of slouching at times, but there are some positive effects on maintaining correct posture. According to a study in the journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, study’s conclusion suggests that adopting upright posture may increase positive effects for stress and anxiety, Reduce Fatigue, and Decrease self-Focus in people who have moderate depression.
4. View stress as a challenge.
When we are stressed or anxious, we can often feel discouraged. Think about it, if you continue to concentrate on a worrisome thought, your overwhelm and stress will only grow. Instead, try viewing stress as a challenge. Psychologist Kelly McGonigal says to reframe any stressful event or anxious circumstance as a challenge. View how you can react differently and what that will do to you and the situation. How will you feel in the long run if you react this way?

5. Meditate
I'm sure you have heard the benefits from meditating, but if you know your day is going to be stressful, put aside ten minutes each morning to ease into it with some mindful meditation. If you don't know how to meditate, there may be videos in our YouTube channel library on meditation. Neuroscientist Gaelle Desbordes demonstrated through MRI research that changes in brain activity in subjects who had learned to meditate were unchanged even when they weren’t meditating throughout the day. They took scans of the brain while they meditated and after, while they completed everyday tasks. The scans showed no change even to the end of the study and showed this was the first time this sort of change had been discovered in the part of the amygdala. The part of the brain that registers flight, fight or freeze. Expressive right?

6. Sleep
Is it past your bedtime? According to research, not getting enough rest can increase the brain reaction intensifying your anxiety and stress levels. Research shows that an average adult needs 7 to 8 hrs. of sleep.

When we are overwhelmed without any intervention, like the tips I gave in my former video, our stress and anxiety can skyrocket to depression from just not getting the things done. Or fear or anger when it all hits the fan or we are triggered or embarrassed because we haven’t done what we agreed to do or needed to do. These are the emotions we will focus on next time.
Join Us In Person!
Rejuvenate YOU! 3-Day in person event:
00:00 Welcome and Intro
1:47 Overwhelm...What Emotions do They Cause and How to Manage The
1:58 Former video review
2:27 The Other Causes
2:54 Overwhelm and The Emotions They Cause
3:58 Stress and Anxiety
4:44 Here are Some Daily Habits That Can Reduce Your Stress
15:55 When we Are Overwhelmed without Intervention Our Stress and Anxiety Can Skyrocket.
16:47 Are You ready to Get Rid of some Of These Emotions? Are You ready to practice some of these Habits?
17:05 Are You willing to change some of your habits?
17:43 Ending and Thank You

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