what chu do w/ yer hands affects your head (rev.13:16)

2 years ago

another rant about the same shit (i really don't rant this time, more of a speculation)
2 days since i ranted about technology
will the real luddites plz stand up
replace your thoughts w/ their thoughts
Orthodox Christianity includes faith+works
a lotta people can be prideful in their works
this is my own interpretation of Revelations
i dunno if this is true, just speculating
i'm too robert frost like
if it ain't art, i shouldn't preach
maybe it's not the anti-christ (sarcasm)
society reliably doesn't give a shit
they don't see the value of things not being what they want em to be
ag is an optics situation
back when they were brainwashing women to be a size 2
tiny dot people suck the life outta me
i have the opposite problem of obese people
we just saw an electric blue mini cooper
i'm not gonna trade you thelonious, calm down
i highly doubt other mini cooper drivers notice me when i drive past
it's exactly like gaydar
back when homosexuality wasn't everywhere all the time...
this ain't just a gay problem but this is the main reason why they pushed it into the culture
2-8 things can be true at the same time
most people think i'm in a cult (it's the best one, promise)
"i love her but fuck that bitch"
that was one of the funniest things i've ever heard and she didn't even understand how or why it was so amusing
fulfilling temporary need i suppose (most people in a relationship these days)
is gay marriage really the problem
many want to interpret revelations (and the rest of the Bible) in a certain way
i need to do this joke soon
physical jokes are the best (slapstick)
if twitter is a carrot SAD!
discovered what dt was doin thru his twitter page
when you're on the outside...
if you know how to use social media right you can learn a lot and you're a genius
martydom via social media, really
this makes me like them a lot less, man
knife: you're ugly bitch!
knife: you look like a feminist!
if i look like them, they don't expect what's comin outta my mouth
watchin stephen king's the stand, it's so great
gary sinise is so hot (masculinity)
the most toxic people on planet earth complain about things being toxic
only time will tell what John's Revelation really meant

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