Vulnerable Victorian children born into ‘death sentence’ state care system: Liberal MP

2 years ago

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. I'm a carer & grandmother, permenant carer to 2, we're fighting for them everyday & for their future & we will never ever give up on them as their parents did & vow to keep them safe. The hardest thing to deal with is Victorian cps, it's corrupt... imo.... & ive seen proof & heard stories of abuse within the system, as well as out of home carers.

For a number of vulnerable Victorian children, being born into the state’s care system is “literally a death sentence,” according to Victorian Liberal MP Dr Matthew Bach.
It comes amid news 65 boys and girls known to Victoria's Child Protection lost their lives in 2020.
Leaked documents further revealed many of those children were left in dangerous homes even after multiple warnings to Child Protection.
“I know how the care system can be a powerful force for good,” Dr Bach told Sky News Peta Credlin.
“But that’s not – under Dan Andrews – how our care system operates.”

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