Black Goo — The Strange Substance That Seems To Have Intelligence

2 years ago

Black Goo — The Strange Substance That Seems To Have Intelligence

'Many have stated that because it was 'discovered' in the rainwater of Germany it may have something to do with the Second World War and before they coupd actually say anything else they were given the confirmation as the Black Goo, as it was nicknamed, was effectively extracted from World War II SS black stones.

What's even stranger about this discovery is that the same type of liquid was discovered in not too long ago in Kaaba, Mecca, and so far, we can't actually see what the connection between the two really is.

For the most part, it is believed that this liquid crystal originates from 'outer space' as very few samples have ever been discovered.'

This article is from 2020, before the jab rollouts and the finding of graphene oxide inside the jabs. Also when they say 'alien' substance from 'outer space' what they should be saying is fallen angel technology. But that's just what I think...

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