Sep 15, 2022 ❤️ Having Faith in Me is having Trust & This is necessary for Salvation

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Having Faith in Me is having Trust & This is necessary for Salvation

September 15, 2022 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Elisabeth

(Elisabeth) Grant us the grace of faith, Lord, that we may see with spiritual eyes and stand firm to the end... Amen.

(Jesus) “Faith in Me takes commitment and true fidelity to your Spouse. It is necessary for salvation and a free gift of grace from Me. Faith is certain, it works through charity and will continue to grow if you nurture it. Most importantly, it is a foretaste of Heaven. So let it take root and grow in your hearts, that your longing for Me and for things from above will begin to permeate your soul.

“Having faith is having trust with all your being, that I will help you and take care of you. I know what is best for you, but for you to truly embrace My plans, you have to fully trust. When you have faith in Me and obey My commandments, it allows you to express your faith through action by the way you live.

“Faith speaks the language of the heart. It is an expression of hope that goes beyond the conscious mind. All that you hold precious rests upon the faith in your God, not in people or possessions. The world is full of ugliness, brutality, and injustices, and a war is coming like none other.

“Hold fast, dear ones, do not let your hearts grow cold and move away from Me by what you see and experience. I will strengthen you and give you courage if you lean on Me. Your faith will allow you to lead others to Me during these turbulent times. By following My example, you will do good works and be able to overcome temptations in the hour of your greatest trials.”

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