Weezer - A Little Bit of Love (Lyric Video)

2 years ago

Read the post/thread at Defending-Gibraltar that contains this video:
Intermission - Positive Thoughts and Reports

To survive what is coming, read/study: https://thewayhomeorfacethefire.net

This video is not necessarily the views or opinion of Truther_Forum:
It IS a clear Sign of the times (the end of days/last generation of man).
As the world wakes from it's spiritual stupor, God has provided a way out of this mess:
A Truther Forum for “God's Elect” with current events information (VAX, Covid, 5G, Prophecy, + MORE) and interaction among like-minded God fearing people seeking and posting The Truth can be found at the link below:
There are Scriptural/Biblical/Prophecy videos created by U/us with timely vital information on these channels:
Keep up to date, Judgement Day draweth neigh.
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