Satan is in churches not God!!

2 years ago

God is not inside these dead churches at all Satan is and any church that allows sodomites, masks, vaccine and wicked drag queens is not a church but a casino, the wicked sodomites purple haired rainbow sex people are going after kids and parents are to stupid now, they let their kids see sodomites sex parades, have sodomites teach their kids, give vaccines to their kid's, don't worry God will punish all the wicked parents for forcing their baby, toddler or child to see wicked drag queens, sodomites sex parades and wear a face diaper, that is child abuse and children are growing, they do not need a mask, a flu shot, a vaccine or to be around naked fairy tale sex sodomites at all, who parades themselves around and are gross, stop taking kids to drag queens sex shows and sodomites sex parades!!! That is not for kids ok, all the fake phony church people and pastors will answer to God and all the woke pastors have blood on their hands, they are sending people to hell with their woke garbage and God hates the wicked and clowns who act like they are Christians, they are devils period, churches are dead and people inside are dead to, I was sexually abused at a Baptist Church and no one helped me at all, no one, the member still goes to the baptist church and probably sexually abusing more girls or boy's, they do it and say don't say anything God will punish you, remember God is on my side not yours, you say anything God will punish you and already has, Jesus is very angry with these dead rotten churches and He will rip the gay sex flag down, burn all the sodomites inside, and all the dead religious church people and pastors to, woke churches will answer to God and will face His wrath, He is very angry and God does not hear the prayers of the wicked!! Nope He doesn't hear these clowns chants at all,

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