I am more powerful than all the Demons… Shut your Doors ❤️ Love Letter from Jesus Christ

2 years ago

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I am more powerful than all the Demons… Shut your Doors

August 1, 2016 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Jesus) “I am more powerful than all the demons collected together in one place; there is no comparison. My children, I allow them to sift you to get your attention. When a child is a toddler, the whole world is new to them and unexplored. All of you are like toddlers to the demon world; you have no idea how complicated it is. Yet to pursue this knowledge, without increasing charity at the same time, would leave you very vulnerable to Pride.

“So, I am going to tell you now… Keep charity, brotherly love and humility as the MOST important virtues, that you must make progress in every day, to stay out of serious attacks by the demons. These virtues are like armies that fight a puny little group of soldiers. They are no match for these virtues. But if you think, say, or do anything contrary to charity, you are moving your army out of the way and leaving a huge opening for even the littlest demon to attack.

“So please, arm yourselves each day with the fruits of the Holy Spirit through worship and meditating on My Words and deeds. Hold these things tenderly in your hearts and mull them over frequently…’What would Jesus do?’ This will help strengthen your character and humility, which has been so damaged by this world’s thinking.

“Especially you who have been rejected and wounded. You are most vulnerable to attack, because you’ve developed an emotional bruise, which also allows a demon to enter. Demons of rejection, retaliation and pride – which work to build you up where you’ve been criticized. This is a natural, fleshly, defense mechanism and survival response to being talked down. You are made to feel vulnerable and less than others, so in order to compensate, your mind begins to make you better than others, to fill in for that lack. This is trouble. Being wounded, you can’t help but respond in pride. But you can prevent it, if you are very careful.

“Your self-worth, their self-worth, anyone’s self-worth is not in what they own or what they’ve done. It is in My shed Blood on Calvary. Plain and simple, I’ve purchased them with My Blood and they could never produce anything that even approximated the worth of God’s blood.

“Now, I will tell you about these demons. They are very little and must work in groups to get anything done. They hate prayer more than you would hate boiling, molten metal being poured on your body. Prayer burns and debilitates them.

“They have very specific ranks and groupings. And just as in the armed forces you have divisions made up of 10,000 to 18,000 men, so in the demon world you have groupings of large numbers. They are controlled by different ranking demons, with the heads being principalities that rule over specific areas and call the shots as to what will be loosed on their victims.

“That is why you will notice that you all suffer similar setbacks and attacks, because these same tactics are being spread far and wide simultaneously. It might be the flu, marital problems, strife at work, gossip or spiritual dryness. You will notice, on this channel, it often happens that almost everyone is going through the same trials at the same time. That is the work of a principality.

“For a disease, you may have hundreds of demons that work together in body systems. Demons of inflammation of muscles, inflammation of nerve endings, inflammation of bones. Demons of swelling, water retention, dehydration, weakness, fatigue, over-stimulation. Demons of infection, viral demons, and excrement that is left behind by these demons when they are done working, which is also toxic to healthy cells and it is spiritually very toxic as well. You will never be able to pinpoint and name every demon. But with a blanket of genuine, heart-felt brotherly love, you can...


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