Abraham, Jacob's Ladder to Heaven & Joseph... Stories of Israels People ❤️ 3rd Testament Chapter 9-2

2 years ago

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The Unselfishness of Abraham

19. It will not always be necessary for you to drain the cup of bitterness. It will be enough for Me to see your faith, your obedience, your purpose and intentions to obey My commandments, for Me to free you from the most difficult moments of your trials.

20. Remember that Abraham was asked for the life of his son, Isaac, who He loved much; and that the patriarch, overcoming his pain and the love He felt for his child, prepared himself to sacrifice him as a proof of obedience, faith, love, and humility that you cannot yet understand. But He was not permitted to consummate the sacrifice of his son, because already in the depths of his heart He had proven his obedience to the Divine Will, and that was enough. Oh, how great was the rejoicing of Abraham when his hand was held back by a greater force, preventing him from sacrificing Isaac. Oh, how He blessed the name of his Lord and marveled at his wisdom! (308, 11)

21. In Abraham and his son Isaac, I gave you an image of what would be the sacrifice of the Redeemer, when He put the love that Abraham professed for Me to the test, asking of him that He sacrifice his son, his beloved Isaac, by his own hand.

22. In that act, if you know how to meditate upon it, you will find a similarity to what later was the sacrifice of My Only Son for the salvation of the world.

23. Abraham was the representation of God, and Isaac the image of Jesus; at that moment the patriarch thought that if the Lord asked him for the life of his son, it was so that the blood of the innocent might wash away the failings of the people; and despite loving deeply He who was the flesh of his flesh, obedience to God, and charity and love for his people were stronger in him than the life of his beloved son.

24. The obedient Abraham was about to unleash the mortal blow at his son, but at the moment when, wracked with anguish, He raised his arm to sacrifice him, My power stopped him, ordering him to sacrifice a lamb in place of his son, so that this symbol would remain as a testimony to love and obedience. (119, 18 – 19)

The Ladder to Heaven in Jacob’s Dream

25. Do you know what meaning is contained in the ladder that Jacob beheld in his dreams? That ladder represents the life and evolution of the spirits.

26. The body of Jacob slept at the moment of revelation, but his spirit was awake. He had ascended towards the Father, seeking prayer as the means, and upon entering into the regions of light, He came to receive a celestial message that would remain as a testament of revelations and spiritual truths for his people, which is all humanity, for Israel is not a material, but a spiritual name.

27. Jacob saw the ladder with its base on earth and its top touching the sky; this shows that the road of spiritual elevation that begins on earth through the flesh, and ends up uniting its light and essence with that of the Father, apart from all material influence.

28. The patriarch saw that by that ladder angels ascended and descended, representing the incessant incarnation and disincarnation, the continuous coming and going of the spirits in search of light, or also on their mission of restoration and purification of themselves, to elevate themselves a little more upon returning to the spiritual world. It is the road of spiritual evolution that leads to perfection.

29. That is why Jacob beheld the representative form of Jehovah at the top of the ladder, indicating that God is the goal of your perfection, of your aspirations, and the supreme prize of infinite joy as the compensation for arduous struggle, prolonged suffering, and perseverance in...


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