Jesus says... Whoever loves anything more than Me is not worthy of Me! ❤️ Great Gospel of John thru Jakob Lorber

2 years ago

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Revealed from Jesus Christ by the inner Word thru Jacob Lorber

Jesus explains...
Whoever loves anything more than Me is not worthy of Me!

Chapter 139 - He who loves anything more than the Lord, is not worthy of Him!

1. Said I (The Lord): "I have already told you that you always speak according to the understanding of the world. To leave the world its peace would be akin to giving it still more death than it already possesses in abundance.

2. Should you help a blind man restore his eyesight, would he be able to see if you were to tear out his eyes, or would the lame walk upright if you were to chop off his defective foot, or would the mute ever be able to speak again if you were to cut out his tongue? Could the pest be healed with yet more pest, or could a burning house be put out with yet more fire?

3. See, this is exactly the case with the worldly men of today. They are spiritually dead and possess no life within them other than the one of their animalistic nature. Their souls are purely flesh, and their spirits, as good as dead, resemble the spirits dwelling within the sediments, chaining together loose matter by their judged steadfastness, thereby becoming stones of all kinds and forms; some soft and others firm, some transparent and others not, and all colored in accordance with their respective indwelling spirit.

4. However, should you wish to liberate the spirits from the stones, would you be able to accomplish this with lukewarm water? Certainly not! I say unto you: With such a gentle and peaceable treatment, the stone will remain firmly what it is and has always been. A powerful fire is required for the spirits within the stones to get into a great battle. Only then will they themselves tear apart the bonds of their imprisoning matter and be liberated. Behold, that is what must happen here as well.

5. That which liberates the spirits from the stones; the fire, the battle, the pressure and the mighty blows; that is what awakens the hearts of men that have turned to stone as well, liberating them. This is especially true for the hearts of the great and rich, for they possess hearts of diamond, which no earthly fire can soften.

6. Therefore, take note of what I say: Let go of the ludicrous notion that I have come to bring, through you, My disciples and servants, the peace of the earth to worldly men. Rather, I have come to bring the sword!

7. Understand Me correctly! I have come to stir the still soft son against the indomitable harshness of his father, and the unassuming daughter against her domineering mother, and the gentle daughter-in-law against her stingy and envious mother-in-law. Verily, man's worst enemies shall be his own housemates!

8. Truly, I say to you: He who loves his father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. Whoever has sons and daughters and loves them more than Me, is not worthy of Me. He who does not willingly take his burden onto his shoulders and follows Me, even if it weighs him down like the Roman cross of death, is not worthy of Me indeed, and he shall not be part of the Kingdom of God.

9. Truly, I say to you: He who seeks the life of this world and easily finds it, will lose the eternal life. On the Day of Judgment, following the shedding of his body, I will not awaken him to everlasting life, instead casting him down into Hell to his eternal death.

10. But he who does not seek the worldly life, and even shuns and despises it out of true and pure love for Me, shall find eternal life, for I will awaken him immediately after the death of his body. On the Day of Judgment, the first day of his new life in the spirit world, I shall lead him into My Eternal Kingdom, adorning his head with the crown of everlasting wisdom and love. He will then be together with Me and all the angels of the infinite Heaven, ruling over the entirety of the material and spirit world, forevermore."

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