2 years ago

Galatians 3:28 King James Version
28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

GOOD EVENING IN YESHUA MY FRIENDS!!! OMHW!!! What a crazy day Ricky and I had today! it started off with getting a phone call at 6:45 AM as an election call. You know the election ads that go over the phone I don't know how else to describe it. Then, as Ricky and I were in the midst of our devotions this morning, we get another phone call from my OBGYN. No offense guys, but that can wait for later. The ultimate icing on the cake common was while I was trying to do my post for this morning, I get a phone call on my cell phone that came up “private number” and like a goofball I answered it. It was somebody claiming to be with “Rapid Delivery Service” with a supposed package for me. My pinger (the Holy Spirit), immediately went off and I hung up. Then to top everything off, I get a very crazed message on my laptop, saying I was infected with the Trojan virus and they wanted to give me this foreign number to contact Microsoft. Praise God I contacted Microsoft themselves, told me don't call the number, but they guided me through what to do, and praise God right now my computer is OK. Let's just say, I was not thrilled with two scams on the same day, but with God's help it was overcome. Aside from that it was a really good day, and I'm very grateful to the Lord for it.

Something about this morning's passage of scripture my friends, really touched my heart, because it spoke of something that I believe the church is lacking in, but most of all that we as brothers and sisters in Christ are also individually lacking in. What is that you ask? Treating each other with equality and respect. I was especially challenged not only by these verses of scripture from this morning, but also the questions from this morning's devotional and I'd like to share them with you tonight. Please read these questions very carefully, and I pray that God will challenge you through them as well.

How can seeing others as your brothers and
sisters help you treat them with “absolute purity” (1 Timothy 5:2)?

How do you think Paul’s advice helps both sexes to flourish?

What I'd like to do right now my friends, is share some thoughts that God has given me on this matter, through this vlog I'd like to share with you all tonight. It deals a lot with how we are to treat each other with respect and dignity, but also making sure that we don't spiritually, physically, and/or sexually abuse each other. Please join me in this vlog and see just what I mean! 😊

As I close this post tonight, I earnestly pray, that EVERY man who reads this will CAREFULLY search the Scriptures, in particular, this verse above, as well as Romans 16, and Proverbs 31, and show godly respect and honor to EVERY woman within the church, as well as EVERY female believer. Most of all, that as redeemed followers of Jesus Christ, we will start showing respect to EVERY believer in Christ, no matter their gender! I also pray that if anyone has been the victim of spiritual abuse, sexual abuse, or abuse of any kind within the church itself, that you will seek whatever help needed for healing, and that you will not be afraid to report your abuser to the authorities. I want you to know that what was done to you is not your fault, that you did nothing to deserve what happened to you, but that you can find healing in Christ Jesus. Don't be afraid to speak out, and remember what Sheridan Voysey said, “Healthy brothers and sisters don't abuse or seduce each other.”



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