April 22, 2015 ❤️ Tribulation after the Rapture... My Instruction & Provision for the Left Behind

2 years ago

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Jesus explains... My Instructions for Those left behind & My Provision

April 22, 2015 – Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Jesus began... “I want to talk to you tonight about spiritual growth. Much of what I’ve been doing with you all is about spiritual growth... growing taller, filled out, more stable, well-grounded ready for anything because your reality is the spiritual dimension with Me, not the earthly dimension soon to be further emerged in chaos.

“Not realizing what is coming, people are still planning as if life will go on forever just the way it is now. That is why they will be blind-sided by what is about to take place. What I want for you, Clare, is to leave behind as much as you can to elevate people out of that dimension of chaos, which is something only I can do with souls.

“You see CERN, clones and the ruling elite will make many very serious mistakes that will impact their hiding places among the rocks of the Earth. Vaults of water and magma will open up on them with tragic consequences. They will cry out to those who engineered these spaces, ‘I thought you said this could never happen!!!’ But all in vain, only to be swallowed up into the abyss. This indeed will be their just deserts, and so I counsel all to have nothing to do with these underground bases, they are not safe.

“And yet I will provide safe havens in the deserted areas, places with abundant water, natural caverns and sufficient food. Just as the angels provided manna in the desert, so will I release to all sufficient sustenance. Many stores of food will never run out. Medical supplies and healing will also be sustained supernaturally by Me. Many will come into a full time healing ministry, tending to the sick and infirm, strengthening and giving comfort to those who have collapsed in fear, those on the edge of death, even some to be brought into the kingdom in the last moments of their lives.

“I have some wonderful things planned for this horrendous time. Many a wall will come crashing down upon the enemy because of prayer. I will supernaturally and literally move Heaven and Earth to protect the holy ones. Some will be martyred, some will survive but all will be provided for, I will not abandon them to the will of their enemies. Yes, unsurpassed suffering will be witnessed but also unsurpassed glory and the triumph of faith. There will be many sent from Heaven as visitations to encourage and provide. My angels will be most solicitous for the welfare of the remnant I am shielding from the full force of My wrath.

“Listen carefully to the instructions I am imparting to you. Prayer will be your greatest weapon and I will teach you how to pray. It will flow from within you without any effort, so strong will My grace be among you. Prayer will well up from inside and overtake you in moments of fear and danger, and you will be kept safely hidden as well as have My Peace.

“Many will betray each other and only discernment by My Holy Spirit will alert you to who cannot be trusted. If you judge by outward standards like... what is said, what they look like, how they act – if you judge by normal human standards you will be fooled. You must rely on Me to detect weak souls or those sent to find you out.

“Again I want to say, this is for the left behind ones, this is not for those who will be raptured. It is important to have these things printed and easy to find.”

(Clare) Lord, would you please fix my printer?

(Jesus) “Tomorrow, it will begin working again. Begin printing tomorrow. OK?”


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