R programming the basics: overview & install (Part-1): መሠረታዊ እውነታዎችና አጫጫን በግልፅና በቀላል አቀራረብ)

2 years ago

R programming is one of the most important tools in data science that you must know in today's academic world. መሠረታዊ እውነታዎችና አጫጫን በግልፅና በቀላል አቀራረብ.
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Learn the R programming language in this Amharic language tutorial course. This is a starting point to perform statistical and bioinformatics analysis using R program. This is the basics you need to know about R programming before you start statistical analysis and graphical usages.

CRAN web site to download R program: https://cran.r-project.org/

#RbasicinAmharic #RinAmharic #RprograminAmharic #RApplicationinAmharic #Rbasics #Rtutorial

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