April 20, 2015 ❤️ Jesus says... Take My Warning seriously!... Without Love you will not stand before Me

2 years ago

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Without Love you will not stand before Me… My Brides, listen to Me

April 20, 2015 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Jesus) “Many are so sure they are ready to stand before Me. But they are not taking a good look inside themselves or in My mirror. This concerns Me Clare, it concerns Me that they are so ready and yet they still quarrel and bite at one another – they still gossip and tell lies about one another. They still accuse with impunity, thinking they are so right and the other is so wrong.

“Yet I tell you, they are not ready to stand before Me. They are blinded by self-righteousness, they are on a crusade to set the world straight, but they are unfit for the bridal gown. I cannot put a clean white garment on those who are still jealous and destructive with their tongue. I cannot put that gown on anyone who does not love their brother as they love Me.”

(Clare) ‘Oh Jesus, I in this moment don’t live up to that standard.’

(Jesus) “With you, I count your will. With others, I will do the same. If you willfully put down your dislike, hatred, resentment, jealousy, and distaste for others – I will help you and fill in the rest. It is all in the will. If you willfully engage in jealousy, gossip, hatred, pride and self- righteousness… you are in serious trouble.

“All I am asking of you, so you will fit into your pristine Bridal gown, is an HONEST self-appraisal. If you are holding scorn, and contempt for anyone – voluntarily, willfully – you will not stand before Me on that day.

“Watch therefore, and pray always, that you be counted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. (Luke 21:36)

“If I love you and you are not committed to loving others, you are not worthy to escape what is to take place on the Earth. Love will be the acid test, not doctrine…for that shall pass away. Not prophecy, for that too is fleeting. You may be a prophet full of ‘the word of the Lord’ but if you have not love, you will not stand.”

(Clare) ‘Oh Lord, that seems really hard?’

(Jesus) “I did not say you must be perfect in thought, word and deed – for none is perfect. But your intention to be perfect: to love perfectly, to be kind, merciful and entertain absolutely no malice towards others – if you have made this resolution, you will stand.

“But if you are standing in self-righteousness, pointing the finger, quarreling, judging, standing in My place giving out judgments… then you are doomed to remain in the Tribulation. Why do you think I have given you all these meditations Clare?”

(Clare) ‘To prepare us?’

(Jesus) “That’s exactly right. I want to leave no one behind, but some of you have hardened your hearts towards each other and have trampled the innocent and the blind. Many of you on the internet have taken shots at one another. You have wounded, crippled and left them to die, isolated, despised and without the fruits of their labor. Unless you repent and are found to be a blameless one, you might as well start making plans to stay here. You will not be taken.

“Love is My standard. Patience, long-suffering, kindness, mercy, meekness, the Beatitudes – this is a description of My Bride. If you are willfully countering the beatitudes, you still don’t have My heart, you still don’t resemble Me. My Bride must resemble Me!

“Some of you will say… ‘This is too harsh!’ But I say to you, if you do not repent of these sins, you are harboring hatred. Am I to marry a Bride steeped in rancor, jealousy and hatred? If you truly repent of these sins, you will be taken.”

(Clare) ‘I began to hesitate.’

(Jesus) “Clare, please, this is Me, don’t let Me down. Shall I wait until after the Rapture for them to find out they were not worthy to stand before Me? Why do you think I chastise you so severely when I see one...


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