HUGE!Supreme Court Drops Hammer on Biden– Alito Tells America the Devastating Fallout of SCOTUS Leak

2 years ago

Supreme Court Drops Hammer on Biden – Alito Tells America the Devastating Fallout of SCOTUS Leak
It’s been five months since someone within the U.S. Supreme Court leaked a draft opinion to the press. That leak lead to chaos among abortion activists, as Democrats urged protesters to violate federal law to confront our conservative justices. Despite claims of investigations, nobody has been outed for this damning leak.

To the shame of his administration, Joe Biden did not seem to care about this crisis. He simply toed the line of the Democratic Party. He was more outraged about the impending ruling against abortion than the fact that protesters were breaking the law. Now, Justice Alito revealed just how dangerous the leak was–and Biden continues to sleep.

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