Prophetic Word Fulfilled: A New Sound Coming out of Nashville!! ❤️

2 years ago

POWERFUL PROPHETIC UPDATE!! I recently posted the prophetic word below on October 19th, 2022, and this Monday, Johnny Enlow, who lives in Nashville, TN, announced the names and songs of brand new artists with a song of LIBERTY!! Praise the Lord!! Many musicians will come out of the woodwork, and some brand new artists will perform at the Grand Ole Opry. The Lord is moving on Musical Prophets and many will emerge with a great song in their heart, such as Robin Bullock and Timothy Dixon!! Watch the LORD move mightily through SONG, with a NEW SONG to heal the nation, in Jesus Name!! On Monday, October 24th, 2022, Johnny Enlow, who lives in NASHVILLE, TN, confirms the word with his announcement, and shares the Latest song by Lauren Kellie, called, "Liberty!!" Praise the LORD!! The LORD is moving!! You can find her new song on: Rumble (do a search by her name) and SPOTIFY!! ALL GLORY TO GOD!! Amen!! Prophetic Word shared on October 19th, 2022 transcribed by, Michele Denman: WATCH NASHVILLE!! For, I, the LORD, am moving upon My musicians, My minstrels, and My Poets. I am moving in My People to bring forth Great Creativity in the earth, says the LORD OF HOSTS!! My Spirit shall move on new musicians, and restore old ones!! I am making a way in the WILDERNESS to restore the foundations (Isaiah 61) For I am moving and Breathing upon My Prophets to restore this ancient land. Do not look to the right or left, but keep your Eyes on Me, says the LORD OF HOSTS!! I will show great signs and wonders in the HEAVENS, and I will move the chess pieces to align with My Will, says the LORD OF HOSTS!! Soon, a sound will be heard around the world of a new DAY!! It is not yet the end My Children, so do not fret, for what appears to be in the world, is not the STORY I am writing. I am writing a GREATER STORY, and that is the STORY of a MASS DELIVERANCE for MY People, says the LORD OF HOSTS!! "EYE has not seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceiveth, the things the LORD has prepared for those that Love Him!! --1 COR 2:9 😀🎼🎹🎤 ❤️🌈

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