The Bearded Patriots Video Chronicles - Talking With Ryan Ceniga (October 27, 2022)

2 years ago

About Ryan Ceniga:

I was raised in Lane County and have worked with my hands for most of my life as a farm hand, diesel mechanic, house framer and utility contractor. I’m a husband and Junction City school board member with two kids in our public schools. I want our kids to have the opportunity to live and work in Lane County and carry on our rural way of life. Our rural way of life is under attack from urban politicians. I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty to protect our rural families.

Ryan Ceniga ran for election to the Lane County Commissioner, Position 1 in Oregon. Ceniga was on the ballot in the primary on May 17, 2022.

The Bearded Patriots

Outlaw Radio

Ryan Ceniga

Featured song: "Life Of A Workin' Man" by Creed Fisher

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