The Diving Wyvern Experience (Compilation) | Kill Every Monster Via Diving Wyvern | Insect Glaive

2 years ago

The last video before the release of Sunbreak!

It's a compilation about killing every monster (except for the apex variants!)
by wyvern diving! It was a lot of fun, but also, I'm happy to have it completed.^^

00:00 Intro
00:10 Great Izuchi
00:18 Great Baggi
00:32 Kulu-Yaku
00:44 Great Wroggi
00:56 Arzuros
01:08 Lagombi
01:21 Volvidon
01:33 Aknosom
01:39 Royal Ludroth
01:52 Barroth
02:09 Khezu
02:22 Tetranodon
02:35 Bishaten
02:47 Pukei-Pukei
02:59 Jyuratodus
03:11 Basarios
03:23 Somnacanth
03:32 Rathian
03:44 Barioth
03:57 Tobi-Kadachi
04:09 Magnamalo
04:22 Anjanath
04:29 Nargacuga
04:42 Mizutsune
04:59 Goss Harag
05:11 Rathalos
05:21 Almudron
05:30 Zinogre
05:45 Tigrex
05:57 Diablos
06:10 Rakna-Kadaki
06:22 Rajang
06:34 Ibushi
06:48 Narwa
07:20 Kushala Daora
07:33 Chameleos
07:45 Teostra
07:58 Bazelgeuse
08:11 Crimson Glow Valstrax
08:29 Outro

#insectglaive #mhrise #Solo #challenge #monsterhunter #monsterhunterrise #sunbreak #sunbreak #divingwyvern #Izuchi #Baggi #KuluYaku #Wroggi #Arzuros #Lagombi #Volvidon #Aknosom #Ludroth #Barroth #Khezu #Tetranodon #Bishaten #PukeiPukei #Jyuratodus #Basarios #Somnacanth #Rathian #Barioth #TobiKadachi #Magnamalo #Anjanath #Nargacuga #Mizutsune #GossHarag #Rathalos #Almudron #Zinogre #Tigrex #Diablos #RaknaKadaki #Rajang #Ibushi #Narwa #KushalaDaora #Chameleos #Teostra #Bazelgeuse #CrimsonGlowValstrax

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