A preparedness show that gets you ahead of the globalist agenda

2 years ago

Canadian journalist Drea Humphrey hosts the ultimate preparedness show called Prepping and Politics, to prepare you and your family for the next politically driven crisis.

Whether it's food shortages, climate restrictions, economic crashes, or politicized "pandemics" each week, Drea and a preparedness expert will show you tips on how to best survive your way through it.

If you're a patriot that wants to be prepared and not scared, this is the show for you.

Prepping and Politics was birthed out of Drea's desire to help people including herself, be more prepared for where the harmful political agendas she informs the public about as a Rebel News journalist may take us.

If you would like to support this new informative venture please consider donating for the time and costs involved in this channel in one of the 3 following ways:

1. Email transfer to PreppingAndPolitics@gmail.com (please leave a note letting us know you've donated and anything you'd like to see covered on the show.)

2. Donating through our website at PreppingAndPolitics.com

3. Buying some Prepping and Politics merchandise designed by Drea's daughter who is helping Drea run the channel behind the scene.

We appreciate your support and bare with us as we learn more skills on how to best deliver this important content to you.

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