Why you should hire Manning General Contractors for storm restoration

2 years ago

Don’t be fooled by your Insurance Company’s estimate to repair your property. 100% of the time, it’s a lowball piecemeal offer. Get the best Contractors in town to do your repairs. Do not compromise price or quality of repairs for like kind and quality items. If your roof is damaged by a storm and your insurance company is trying to pay for a repair, ask them for a letter guaranteeing that if additional damage occurs the next time there is a storm, that damage still falls under the same claim. Otherwise, please replace me Roofing System. Ask your Contractor if they know of Public Adjusters or Appraisers that you can speak to to go over the Contractors Bid. If you do get 3 Estimates, let your Adjuster know that you will be going with the highest one. Otherwise, let’s get started!

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