Breaking News: Military Recruitment Down Because of Wokeness?

2 years ago

"The military faced a drop-off in recruitment during the pandemic: Each branch met active component goals, but reserve numbers have fallen short each year. That shortage has now hit the Active component goals for the Army and Navy, with other branches just meeting their goals.

One significant factor that Thomas highlighted is the lack of engagement the military could pursue while schools remained remote in 2020 during nationwide lockdowns: A 2018 report by the Institute for Defense Analyses heavily focused on recruitment at the high school level, indicating the high value placed on that pipeline.

"Really in the long term … it's declining eligibility, declining propensity or interest in serving and declining trust in government," Thomas said.

"Today, 77% of American youth aged 17 to 24 will not qualify to serve the United States military without a waiver, 77%," he continued. "That's based on a variety of different reasons, from weight to medical issues to academic issues to behavioral issues, mental health issues. It's a wide variety with 77% don't qualify without a waiver."

And Thomas admitted that the perception around the military withdrawal from Afghanistan may have impacted recruitment in the last six months, but stressed that he would not consider it "one of the primary drivers."

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