STEALTH DRONE Crashes During Lunch Break at Los Alamos Nuclear Complex (AQM-91 Firefly)

2 years ago

UFO Seekers®: UFO & Alien Investigators© - Season 2:®-ufo-alien-investigators©

The Ryan AQM-91 Firefly (Model 154) was a developmental drone developed during the Vietnam War to perform long-range reconnaissance, especially into China.

The Model 154 had an engine on the top of the fuselage to reduce its radar cross-section and infrared signature as seen from below, as well as twin inward-canted tailfins to conceal the exhaust stream. It had a fuselage with flat bottom. A ground radar would need to be directly below the drone to detect it, but by the time it is detected, the aircraft is travelling away, which makes tracking difficult. The sides of the fuselage are sloped flat to deflect radar signals. It was built using a high percentage of plastic composite materials, which had a lower radar reflectivity than metal. The leading and trailing edges of the wings had inset triangles of a radar-absorbent material. The aircraft was powered by a General Electric YJ97-GE-3 turbojet providing 4,000 pounds (1,815 kg) thrust, with the engine exhaust mixed with cool air to reduce its infrared signature. The YJ97 was derived from a General Electric demonstrator engine designated the "GE1".

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Photo Credit: San Diego Air & Space Museum
Photo Credit: Mts6789

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