Norwegian police arrest ‘Brazilian researcher’ on suspicion of spying for Russia

2 years ago

Norwegian police arrest ‘Brazilian researcher’ on suspicion of spying for Russia

Police in Norway arrested an academic working at the University of Tromsø in the Arctic Circle on Monday, on suspicion of secretly spying for Russia, according to Norwegian public broadcaster NRK.

Norway’s police told NRK that the man, a researcher at the university, claims to be a Brazilian citizen but they suspect he could be using a false identity and could actually be a Russian citizen.

“We have asked that a Brazilian researcher at the University of Tromsø be expelled from Norway as we believe he represents a threat to fundamental national interests,” said Hedvig Moe, Assistant Head, Norwegian Police Security Service, speaking to NRK.

The agency did not reveal the man’s name but said on its Twitter account that he was being held on suspicion of violating two sections of the Norwegian penal code, dealing with “illegal intelligence” that could “damage fundamental national interests” and “security interests of other states.”

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