Could the Russia-Ukraine War be an opportunity for China to expand?

2 years ago

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Could the #RussiaUkraine War be an opportunity for #China to expand?

Is the Russia-Ukraine war a setup egged on by China? Could it be possible that there are sights set on former territory of Manchuria? It is quite an interesting idea. It seems the weaker Russia gets; the stronger China gets. Let’s get into the history and probable scenarios.

History of Sino-Russian Relations.
Throughout most of the history of Sino-Russian relations, #Russia was an adversary, rather than an ally of China. Russia’s aim is not to become the junior partner in a Sino-Russian alliance, but to be a great power in its own right. Russia has a great power identity of its own, which means it pursues its great power agenda on its own, and as history has shown us, whenever that agenda crossed the interests of China, #Moscow seldom hesitated to confront #Beijing and, the stronger it was, the more it was willing to confront directly. Russia has grabbed roughly one million square miles from China in the treaties of Aigun and Beijing in 1858-1860 – an area called “Outer Manchuria,” the northern periphery of Manchuria up until that point – and the territory has hitherto been known as the Russian Far East, with Vladivostok and Khabarovsk established there by Russian colonists.
#missile #military #army #navy #airforce


0:00 Introduction
0:16 History of Sino-Russian Relations
3:57 The Siberia Card
8:02 Conclusion

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