Strange Liberty Video Submission - Multiple Daytime Objects Captured

2 years ago

This video was shared on a group I'm apart of on FB by a person with the account name Strange Liberty.

They run a podcast / IG / FB account and shared a very short 5 second clip stating the following information

" 6/26/22 in northern CA"

Most folks, said birds, which prompted the following response:

" So nobody has a real guess or idea what those are? I thought this group would be serious about these kind of posts. When the video cuts off it’s my 11 year old in back starting to talk who also witnessed it and another adult in the car. Sorry, it’s not geese or balloons or seagulls. You can pause and zoom in, they are metallic of nature and the last time I checked birds aren’t made of metals. "

While I cannot say for certain, whether these are birds, balloons, drones or something else, I did find the video interesting enough to reach out to ask them to send me the footage to blow it up, slow it down and zoom it in.

You can find Strange Liberty Podcast here:

Thanks Strange Liberty for sharing your capture with me and allowing me to do some editing on it!

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