Joe Scarborough, Joy Hofmeister & The Democrat Crime Wave

2 years ago

My video debunking Brian Tyler Cohen’s red state blue state homicide pap

Oklahoma homicides 2018-2020 (Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation) = 746

Oklahoma homicides 2015-17 (Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation) = 726

Oklahoma homicides 2018-2020 (FBI) = 768 (6.433 per 100,000)

Oklahoma homicides 2015-17 (FBI) = 721 (6.133 per 100,000),oklahomacountyoklahoma,tulsacountyoklahoma/PST045221 According to the 2020 census, Tulsa County & Oklahoma County were 37% of the entire population of Oklahoma. Those 2 counties were 35.24% of the OK population according to the 2010 Census.

Tulsa County (72, 80, 65) & Oklahoma County (94, 84, 83) homicides 2015-17 = 478. Those counties had (using state data) 65.84% of all OK homicides. Those counties had a cumulative population of 4,280,910 (2015-17) & a homicide rate of 11.165 per 100,000.

Tulsa County (78, 63, 70) & Oklahoma County (90, 87, 60) homicides 2018-20 = 448. Those counties had (using state data) 60% of all OK homicides. Those counties had a cumulative population of 4,352,833 (2018-20) & a homicide rate of 10.292 per 100,000. Both time they were well above the state average.

I would ask Joy Hofmeister to look at this data, but she would have to pull her head out of her butt to do that. Donald Trump won Tulsa County comfortably in 2016 & 2020 but failed to hit 60%. Oklahoma County was much closer, Trump won both times, but in 2020 he did not even get 50%.,oklahomacitycityoklahoma,OK/PST045221

Now let us look at data for Tulsa City & Oklahoma City. In 2020 those cities had 27.43% of the entire OK population, in 2010 it was 25.9%.

Tulsa City (72, 55, 60) & Oklahoma City (64, 72, 52) homicides 2018-20 = 375. Those cities had 50.26% of all OK homicides. Their homicide rate was (population 2018-2020 = 3,202,148) 11.710 per 100,000.

Tulsa City (70, 72, 56) & Oklahoma City (81, 70, 73) homicides 2015-17 = 422. Those cities had 58.12% of all OK homicides. Their homicide rate was (population 2015-17 = 3,128,777) 13.487 per 100,000. I used Census Bureau data for population totals.

Do you realize that from 2018-2020, OUTSIDE of Tulsa County & Oklahoma County, the state of Oklahoma had a homicide rate of 4.942 per 100,000. Granted, that is high, but still about 10% lower than the national average for those years.

You can see the problem areas in OK & it is largely 2 counties & 2 big cities inside those counties.

Here is some more uncomfortable data from Oklahoma in one of my previous essays

From 2018-2020, Blacks were 34.3% of homicide victims in OK. From 2015-17 Blacks were victims of homicide 36.766% of the time. From 2018-2020, 39.3% of all those arrested in Oklahoma for murder were Black. For 2015-17 Blacks were 46.433% of those arrested for murder. Oklahoma is only 7.8% Black. Look up “disproportionate” in the dictionary kids.

Joy Hofmeister’s simplistic plea about homicide rates in Oklahoma is just that, simplistic idiocy that appeals to the basement-dwelling, I don’t have a job crowd. The devil is always in the details & I would accuse Joy of lying, but she’s running for Governor & she literally doesn’t know this.

These Dumocrats who just vomit forth homicide rates by state would not accept this argument: Nations that vote for Joe Biden have higher homicide rates than nations that vote for Donald Trump.

The homicide rates in the U.S. for 2021 & 2022 will undoubtedly be higher than when Donald Trump was in the White House 2017-2020. The Ritalin-addled Democrat will say, “Uh duh, you have to look at state data, because states are different, uh duh.”

What about counties, let’s look at county-level data instead & when you start to delve into county data you see (and this is the case in TN, MO, IL, KS, etc.) that there are a few bad apples in the bunch.

In TN, Shelby & Davidson counties are doing the lion’s share of the crime, outside those places there is a massive disparity in homicide. In KS it is two counties that typically vote Dumocrat. In Illinois it’s you guessed it, Chicago & East St. Louis. The very pro-Trump counties in IL have very low homicide rates.

In Missouri, it’s Kansas City & St. Louis City, which are full of black on black homicide. The very pro-Trump counties in MO have very low homicide rates.

You can look at county data & then drill down to city data as I have & then you can dowhat John Lott did, start drilling down to neighborhood data. Here is a small sample of what he said.

“Murders actually used to be even more concentrated. From 1977 to 2000, on average 73 percent of counties in any given year had zero murders. Possibly, this change is a result of the opioid epidemic’s spread to more rural areas. But that question is beyond the scope of this study.”

“In 2014, the murder rate was 4.4 per 100,000 people. If the 1% of the counties with the worst number of murders somehow were to become a separate country, the murder rate in the rest of the US would have been only 3.4 in 2014. Removing the worst 2% or 5% would have reduced the US rate to just 3.06 or 2.56 per 100,000, respectively.”

So, even in today’s landscape where the homicide rate has spiked the last 3 years, the lion’s share of the homicide problem is still among a tenth of U.S. counties. It’s not white rural Iowa, Wyoming, Montana, most of NY state, most of Texas, most of Missouri, most of Illinois, Utah, etc.

It’s the Dumocrat enclaves that I have examined in my essays that collectively have homicide rates ~4X the national average. Continuing…

“When you look at individual counties with a high number of murders, you find large areas with few murders. Take Los Angeles County, with 526 murders in 2014, the most of any county in the US. The county has virtually no murders in the northwestern part of the county. There was only one murder each in Beverly Hills, Hawthorne, and Van Nuys. Clearly, different parts of the county face very different risks of murder.”

“The map [in Lott’s article] shows the distribution of murders in Indianapolis, with 135 murders. Although the city extends well beyond the 465 Highway that encircles downtown Indianapolis, there are only four murders outside of that loop. The northern half of the city within 465 also has relatively few murders.”

“Here are Chicago’s murders through the first 4.5 months of 2017 (there were 222 homicides by that point). One small neighborhood, Austin, accounts over 25 murders. But 23 of the 77 neighborhoods in the city have zero murders, and most of the 40 neighborhoods in orange have only one murder. Twelve of the neighborhoods have 10 or more murders.”

And the beat goes on. And in closing, the next time you hear Byron Taylor Cornhole, the divorcee Sam Seder, Joe Scarborough, Joe Biden or any idiot Democrat start flapping their teeth about “homicide rates in red states” you can rest assured, they have not a clue.

The board has received Joe Scarborough & Brian Tyler Cohen’s concession & I graciously accept it.

*** I have not published this data yet but will soon. Here is a snippet of it pertaining to Oklahoma (it focuses on counties w/ ZERO homicides):

How about Oklahoma?

Counties in Oklahoma that had ZERO homicides in 2020: Alfalfa, Atoka, Beaver, Blaine, Caddo, Carter, Cimarron, Coal, Cotton, Craig, Ellis, Grant, Greer, Harmon, Harper, Haskell, Hughes, Jefferson, Kingfisher, Kiowa, Latimer, Love, Major, Marshall, Mayes, Murray, Noble, Pawnee, Payne, Pushmataha, Roger Mills, Sequoyah, Tillman, Woods & Washita.

35 of OK’s 77 counties (45.45%) had zero homicides in 2020.

Counties in Oklahoma that had ZERO homicides in 2019: Alfalfa, Atoka, Beaver, Beckham, Blaine, Caddo, Cimarron, Coal, Cotton, Craig, Delaware, Dewey, Ellis, Garvin, Grant, Greer, Harmon, Harper, Haskell, Hughes, Jefferson, Kay, Kingfisher, Kiowa, Latimer, LeFlore, Love, McIntosh, Major, Nowata, Ottawa, Pawnee, Pushmataha, Roger Mills, Texas, Tillman, Woods, Woodward & Washita.

39 of OK’s 77 counties (50.64%) had zero homicides in 2019. ***

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