How Do You Heal presents Lisa Karasek with your host Dr. ToriJo Hincks

2 years ago

In today's episode of How Do You Heal Dr. ToriJo Hincks interviews Lisa Karasek. Lisa is a 4 time Best Selling Amazon Author. An expert Quantum Healer, TRE Certified Facilitator and a Certified Eating Psychology Coach. Lisa is able to update her client's states of being to assist in healing ancient, multi-demensional healing and Holistic Metamorphosis (an angelic energy healing modality), consciousness based practices, and TRE (tension and trauma releasing exercises). Lisa powerfully guides her clients to a healthier, happier, and more purposeful life.
Lisa Karasek is dedicated and passionate about helping you work with the dynamics of your self relationship and believes this is the key to most Mind Body Spirit disease and illness.
Find more information about her and her programs at


or Stepping into Truth group on Facebook and MeetUp

or in person (801) 930-0335

"Because Everyone Deserves an Authentic Self Relationship"

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