Progressive Plans Won’t Solve The Energy Crisis - With Robert Bryce

2 years ago

Progressives have shown that they don’t know a thing about energy as they prefer to support what is popular rather than practical solutions. Our current energy crisis is no exception. On this week’s Scoop, we’re joined by our friend Robert Bryce to discuss how progressive energy policies are exacerbating the crisis not just in the US but around the world. Threats of blackouts, bitter winter, and even famine are on the horizon if we don’t take action to utilize the solid resources we know will work but have been blacklisted by the mainstream media and politicians. Is weather dependent energy really a viable option? Also on the show, we look into the latest scandal on the left where actress Sacheen Littlefeather has been exposed as a phony Native American. We then listen to part of Ann’s speech to highschool students about environmentalism and share a cozy recipe for this chilly Fall weather.

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