July 4th, State of the Coop Report

2 years ago

Just a short update on this weekends progress.
Finally got the chicken run roof finished.
Got the 18 feet or so of the chicken wire secured to the ground between the coop and the soon to be door.
Still have to secure the gaps at the bottom of the chain link fence, and do all the interior work to the coop itself:
Getting a piece of 6x8ish vinyl flooring for the bottom, make roosts, make nesting boxes, etc.
Once that's all done, then the back wall and muck out door can go on.

If you found this video helpful, and buy stuff on Amazon anyways, then I'd appreciate you using this link for your next purchase:

72-Inch by 150-Feet 2-Inch Mesh Galvanized Poultry Netting, Used in this video.

It will cost you nothing extra, and I'll make a few cents as a commission on your purchase, even if you buy something else.

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