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2 years ago

In wintertime, being in a wheelchair will slip and slide away on the sidewalk because sidewalks are not salted or sanded. Ice on the sidewalk can become very thick because the sidewalk is on an angle due to rain runoff. Witch these causes and a slight angle to prevent ice buildup on the sidewalk. However, this pushes wheelchairs directly into the line traffic because the sidewalk is on and off sidewalks wintertime. For citizens who are not in a wheelchair, we consider it second nature that person is there not wheelchair, and they look down at that person and think of one thing every time they drive a wheelchair, whether it's a manual an electric wheelchair takes. A look at your driving how do you drive your car in the summer. Wintertime individuals in wheelchairs face ice-challenging driving every day while driving an average rain. If you're driving a car in heavy rainfall, an average individual would hydroplane. Still, in a wheelchair, a typical rainy day causes us to hydroplane because the sidewalks all right flood zone every time, causing the wheelchairs that go into traffic.

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