True or False? Did you know all of these? #07 #thewhyfiles #shorts

2 years ago

True or False? Did you know all of these?

The US air force lost a nuclear bomb. TRUE.

An air force pilot accidentally dropped it somewhere off the coast of Georgia in 1958. The Navy searched for months. Nobody knows where it is.

If you find it, best leave it alone.

Alcohol kills brain cells. FALSE.

Alcohol damages brain cells, but it doesn't kill them. Still, if you can avoid drinking, it's a good thing to do.

Honey lasts forever and never spoils. TRUE.

Food only spoils if organisms can grow in it. Organisms can't grow in Honey. 5,000 year old honey has been discovered. And it's considered perfectly edible. But nobody's tried it yet. Would you?

Different parts of the tongue taste different things. FALSE.

The tongue can taste sour, bitter, salty, sweet and umami. But all parts of the tongue can taste these.

Sugar makes children hyperactive. FALSE.

Bad kids are still bad, even without sugar.

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