How to make a healthy avocado open sandwich |كيف تصنع ساندويتش بال‏افوكادو الصحي | Assia’s Cuisine

2 years ago

How to make a healthy avocado open sandwich |كيف تصنع ساندويتش بال‏افوكادو الصحي | Assia’s Cuisine

In this video I dive into this Avocado open sandwich It’s so delicious by and easy to make.
I wanted to share this easy recipe with you all! This recipe is absolutely loved by my family, and I hope you love it too!

I hope you try this delicious recipe, stay tuned for more and don't forget to let us know how it goes!❤️

Please don't forget to Like, Subscribe and Share!❤️

#avocadosandwich #shorts #eggsandwich


Eggs (2)
بيض (2)

Toast the bread (2)
حمر الخبز(2)

Avocado (2)
افوكادو (2)


Black pepper (1/2 Tsp)
فلفل اسود (1/2 ‏ملعقة صغيرة)

Lemon juice (1/2)
عصير الليمون (1/2)

Mash the avocado
اهرسي الأفوكادو

Spread the Avocado on a toast
افرد الأفوكادو على الخبز المحمص

Add the boiled eggs
‎أضف البيض المسلوق

Black pepper
فلفل اسود

► Some Tags used:
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