Quid Quo Pro Joe - The Ukraine Connection

2 years ago

Quid Quo Pro Joe - The Ukraine Connection


#PedoHunter #Burisma

#KnowYourEnemy #InconvenientTruth
#FBI #PillowTalk #ButWaitTheresMore
#PedoPeter #TruthSocial #Facts #LGB #Gitmo #Karma #TruthMatters #Truth

#CommiecratClintonistaNaziPedocraticLunatics have #DefundedPolice & armed up #Bureaucrats & #Contractors (IRS) & #NGO's & provided them body armor & military training .. all at #Taxpayers expense .. & demand we give up our rights #1A (shut up) & #2A (can't defend ourselves) WHY?

PLANNED #CivilConflict & forming #Troops from the #Multvaxed & imported #Conscripts (#IllegalAliens) young military aged men recently released from foreign prisons who have committed serious crimes 😡

Where's the #Committee meeting on that? And his #QuidProQuoJoe action in his #MoneyLaundering location in #Ukraine ... 👇🏻 🤨 😡


Tactical Nuclear Weapons

#Putin has already threatened 2 use #TacticalNukes in #Ukraine .. here's a documentary which describes the use of nukes & #TacticalNuclearWeapons ... 👇🏻 🤨 😡



#WarMonger's #NeoCon's #DeepState #NWO #LWO
#KhazarianMafia #Luciferians

#OBiden's a #WeakAndIneffective #POTUS


The above link 👆🏻 🤨 contains a video that details what a #NuclearWar would entail & ANYONE who supports that is totally insane!

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