100,000 years Scientists discovered ancient technology. It was also alien technology

2 years ago

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Latest information related to science.Know.Learn daily.Keep subscribed to the channel.We like to think of technological innovation as a slow, steady and somewhat linear process. However, this is not always the case. Archaeological digs around the world have revealed that ancient civilizations occasionally developed technologies decades or centuries ahead of their time. These technologies are often said to compete with or surpass current science. This is also a misinterpretation. From Roman concrete to Damascus steel, many historical supertechnologies were previously forgotten but have been reinvented by modern researchers. Any difficulty in duplicating them is usually due to a lack of original instruction rather than an inability to grasp the idea itself.
It is also wrong to believe that ancient civilizations invented these technologies by accident or that they were created by eccentric geniuses who were not representative of their time and place. Although many inventors are considered geniuses, they cannot isolate themselves from their surroundings. Their work is not regressive, rather a monument to the intelligence and scientific prowess of their civilization. Thank you for watching the video. Have a nice day.

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