Technocracy and the NEW RIGHT - Massive psyop that involves Trump, Kanye, and Musk

2 years ago

Technocracy and the NEW RIGHT

Highly recommended video that takes on the massive psyop that involves Trump, Kanye, and Musk and how it all connects the organized shift of the new Conservative Right.

Technocracies | Transhumanism | Religious Right | Psyops | False Light



💥LibertyResearch, levistrasser, barbbruce, Helecon, G5ntl5Giant lengid79, jsmunroe59, ChrisLaw1, AscendingProof, lib3rty0rd3ath, gravelgrinder1, kevinsmithjr, BobTouchette, Theratfink, Plaster, ager78, and 1969pontiaclemansman are paid Globe Earth trolls.

tonywethepeps is a paid troll with Ronok 💥 G5ntl5Giant is a qtard / globe earth paid troll

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