Light & Shadow in Congregations ❤️ New Communities, Disciples & Apostles...3rd Testament Chapter 8-1

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THE THIRD TESTAMENT Chapter 8 – Revelations of Jesus Christ
The New Communities of Christ… Disciples, Apostles, Divine Envoys

Light and Shadow in the Congregations of the Revelation
Thus saith the Lord…

1. If My Word had been given to all nations, the majority would have rejected it, for vanity, materialism, and the false grandeur of men would not have accepted a doctrine that speaks of spirituality, humility, and brotherhood. The world is not yet prepared to understand love, and not all, therefore, would have been sensitive to My presence in this form.

2. Just as Christ, in that time sought a hollow of rock to be born as a man, today I found this corner of the earth that was disposed to hear Me, and which bears a similarity to the grotto and manger that received the Son of God on that blessed night.

3. The example of this humble people that choose their way without ministers to guide them and that worship Me without ceremonies or symbols, will be a wakeup call to those who sleep their night of centuries, and it shall be a stimulus for the regeneration and purification of many of My children.

4. Under the shade of My Doctrine no throne will be built from which exalted men can dominate the spirits of their brothers; none will be crowned or covered in purple robes to try to occupy the place of the Lord, nor shall there arise confessors to judge, pardon, condemn, and pass sentence on the acts of humanity. Only I can judge a spirit from a just and perfect bench.

5. I may send those who correct, teach, and guide, but I shall not send any to judge and punish. I have sent those who have been shepherds to humanity, but neither lords nor Fathers. The only Father of the spirit is I.

6. I will form in this time a people who are jealous of My Law, loving of truth, and of charity. This people will be like a mirror in which others may see reflected the errors into which they have fallen. They shall not be the judge of any, but their virtues, works, and dutifulness will touch the spirit of all who cross their path, and will show the path to all who do not comply with My Law.

7. When this people are strong and numerous, they will attract to themselves the attention of their fellow men, for the cleanliness of their works and the sincerity of their worship must surprise humanity; then men will ask: Who are these, who without temples know to pray in this way? Who has taught these multitudes to pray, adoring their God without feeling the need to raise altars for His worship? From where have these travelers and missionaries come, who like the birds neither sow, nor reap, nor spin, and yet subsist?

8. And I shall say to them: This people, poor and humble, but jealous of My Law, and strong against the passions of the world have not been prepared by any man. These multitudes that enjoy doing good, who are illuminated by inspiration and know how to carry to the heart the message of peace and the touch of comfort, have not been taught by teachers or ministers of any cult of earth: For it is true what I tell you, that in this time, there does not exist one single man in your world who could teach the worship of God with true spirituality. Truth does not reside in the splendor of rites, nor in wealth or earthly power, but being humble, seeks as its temple the clean, noble, and sincere hearts who love that which is pure. Where are these hearts?

9. I have called many of My children to be given different responsibilities, various missions within this Work, and I have given them according to your gifts and advancement, and with all of these I have formed My people, My new apostolate.


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