Blessed Poverty ... Poverty is no Punishment ❤️ Great Gospel of John thru Jakob Lorber

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Blessed Poverty... Poverty is no Punishment

THE GREAT GOSPEL OF JOHN Volume 1 - Chapter132 & 133
Revealed from Jesus Christ by the inner Word thru Jacob Lorber

Matthew 9:36-38:
"36 But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd.
37 Then He said to His disciples, 'The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few.
38 Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.'"

Chapter 132 - In the Galilean village of Hunger

1. There was much misery to be found among the people languishing under all kinds of oppression, especially in the markets and villages. Physically and psychically they were scattered and dying like sheep among the wolves without any shepherd. (Matth.9:36) Since I deeply regretted the poor people’s desperate plight, I spoke as I did in Sychar at the well: ‘The crop is heavy, but laborers are scarce. (Matth.9:37) Therefore, beg the Lord to send laborers to harvest His crop. For these poor people are ripe for the Kingdom of God and the field where they are is large. They languish and thirst for light, truth and salvation. But laborers, laborers. Where are they?’ (Matth.9:38).

2. Say the disciples: ‘Lord, if You should consider us capable, could we not spread out and each of us take a city or a market?’ I say: ‘We are now on the way to an extremely poor village. Once we have reached it I shall select the most capable and strongest among you and send you out into the different regions and places, and then you will be doing all that which I am doing and have done in your presence. But now let us hurry towards the village.’

3. In less than half an hour we had reached the little village where we found truly indescribable misery. Parents and children were walking about literally naked, covering their nakedness with foliage. When the people saw us approaching everybody, big and small, young and old, came hurrying towards us begging for alms, for they suffered great want. Children were crying, holding their hands over their tummies, for they were very hungry having had nothing to eat already for 2 whole days. The parents were in despair, partly from their own pangs of hunger, but even more so because their little children were asking for bread and milk.

4. Peter, who was very deeply moved by this sight, asked a staunch-looking old man: ‘Friend, who has made you so extremely miserable? How did you get into this plight? Did some enemy come and rob you of everything, even disgracefully ruining your houses as I notice? For I see only walls and no roofs and lofts above them and your granaries, which I knew, are completely destroyed. How did this happen?’

5. Says the man in a tearful voice: ‘O you dear and no doubt good people. This was done by the harshness and greed of the tributary king Herod. His father was Satan’s left, and he is his right arm. We could not raise the taxes which he had demanded of us 10 days earlier. His bailiffs gave us a deadline of 6 days. But what were 6 days? During this time the bailiffs consumed almost all our better provisions and on the seventh day – since we could not possibly raise and pay the exorbitant tax – they took everything we had and we only barely escaped with this miserable life. O friends, this is hard, immensely hard. If God does not help, we shall still today die of starvation together with our children. Do help us in whatever way you can. If only the wicked servants of Herod had not taken all our clothes we could have gone begging, but where could we go in this state? For our children it is too far in all directions and as you can see we are as naked as in the womb. O God, O God, why did we have to be made so terribly miserable? Which one of all our sins before You, O Jehovah, has brought such punishment upon us?’

6. Here I step up to the old man and say: ‘Friend, the cause for this is not your sin, which before God is the most insignificant in all Israel, but God’s love.


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