Chat Forces Statements about Lawyer Illegally Copyright Striking Content | Payola

2 years ago

Chat Forces Statements about Lawyer Illegally Copyright Striking Content ... i'm sure they would have done it if they werent being paid by their viewers to address this. Right? Faran's spoken up since DAY 1 - super-chats were not a factor in her choice to be a voice for someone without one.
Not only is it 100,000 subs VS 1,000 subs, its intimidation from an attorney. He is threatened defamation now.
The receipts are flowing, and it's UNBELIEVABLE.
His mod/ex girlfriend (Stephanie) even chimed in and told us A LOT, including the fact that he is unable to be reasoned with. He abuses her verbally and emotionally LIVE and nobody cares. Please pray for her. This isnt Joe, Nick, Faran, or any other lawtubers issue, it is Kurts.
He should tell his subscribers the truth about his illegal actions. a simply "I'm shit at this, and I was wrong" would suffice. #lawyer #copyright #illegal

@Law&Crime Network

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