CCL: Commanding the heart: Vengeance

2 years ago

Centre for Christian Living event on 19 October 2022, filmed in Marcus Loane Hall at Moore Theological College, Newtown, Sydney, Australia.

Speakers: Andrew and Lauren Errington.

MC: Chase Kuhn.

From the dawn of time, systems of justice have demanded recompense for wrongs. The most fundamental systems have been kind for kind—an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life. This sort of rudimentary justice system is biblical and lies at the foundation of much of the law in Scripture.

But in God’s Kingdom, Jesus tells us that there is no room for vengeance. Indeed, life in the Kingdom demands forbearance and forgiveness.

What does this mean for us practically? Is there any justice? Join us as Andrew and Lauren Errington help us discover how Jesus transforms our expectations and pursuit of justice, and lead us away from vengeance.

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