April 17, 2015 ❤️ Jesus says... Preparations for War are almost complete, do not judge, help Me

2 years ago

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Jesus says… The Preparations for War are almost complete…
Carry your Cross & Do not judge, help Me!

April 17, 2015 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

Jesus began… “I told you I would speak to you every night. It’s not your performance that determines that, it is My Word, Beloved.”

(Clare) Are You upset with me Lord? I tried to do the right thing today.

(Jesus) “No, My Love, I’m not. I’ve followed your reasoning very well, but I do wish you didn’t go to the store.”

(Clare) Send Ezekiel?

(Jesus) “If you have to, yes. Things are drawing to a close in preparation for this war. I want you to be well aware that it could break on you at any moment. I want you to remind people about Miami. You have many new-comers who are not aware of those prophecies.”

(Clare) Here a short Insight into the Vision regarding Miami… Nuclear annihilation of Miami followed by nuclear attacks on American cities, I was not shown other parts of the world except that the attacks were in some way instigated from North Eastern Europe and the missiles originated in the Middle East. Whether they were fired from there or were operated by Middle Easterners was not clear. More in the Message ‘Nuclear Annihilation of Miami will precede the Rapture’.

(Jesus) “What people are missing is what is going on all around them that they are unaware of. Like the woman at Walmart. She works there but has no clue about all the closures. Her children are busy with their young lives and she doesn’t use the internet. She doesn’t see. They are counting on this to take everyone by surprise. They are so used to saber rattling that the news is just more blah, blah, blah …blah, blah. These things have been done to desensitize the public from the real threats – they get so used to hearing the same things about Israel and the Middle East, and Russia, they figure it will blow over even as your daughter does. Just another saber rattling… it’s all inconsequential.

“There’s nothing you can do to change that. As you’ve noticed when you tell them what’s going on they just look at you with a blank stare. This town is very provincial – which is to its benefit for it is considered one of the safer places to be, preserved for vacationing. In fact many places in the U.S. are tourist destinations and the wealthy government officials have set them out to be mostly untouched so they can continue to be used for that purpose. Even their children frequent this place. What I am trying to say is that this place has a degree of protection. It is out of harm’s way.

“Areas that are most dangerous are crossroads of major highways, key points in transportation will be secured very quickly. Out of the way locations will be for the most part ignored unless it is discovered that there are hostiles living there.”

(Clare) What do you mean by hostiles?

(Jesus) “People who will not go along with the plan. Many of them are already targeted, but they are not foolish, they are well aware. This place above all others will be less traumatic, however, the effects of CERN will be experienced all over the world and the only protection is their closeness to Me. Most of the church body is sound asleep and has no idea what they are facing or how to cope with it. That is why I am sending revival such as has never been seen on earth. And as usual this has not been taken into consideration, for I will visit members of the armed forces and turn them against the evil they have been prepared to carry out.


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